Archive for the ‘hard rock’ Category


Deftones Best Buy Theater concert Review

May 16, 2011

Deftones>you.  Hands down, the best show of the year and probably better than all my other favorite shows ever, including Medeski, Rage(well maybe not rage), 311, Quest, De La, etc…  The production and quality of the Deftones live set is unmatched. Read the rest of this entry ?


Soundgarden announces tour

May 5, 2011

As cool as EZ really is. I will bet my entire life savings on Soundgarden providing a better live show.  Hands down,  rock shows are the top-tier of live performance music.  Cannot be matched.  Read the rest of this entry ?


Karma’s Army

April 27, 2011

I enjoy bands that haven’t reach major audiences yet because I can clearly listen to them without a bias.  Also I’m a fan of rock.  A group that I enjoy is Karma’s Army.  A New York based group founding on a solid pocket of rhythm and bass, strong guitar riffs and a singer who doesn’t sound like a pussy or every other  vocalist out there. Read the rest of this entry ?


Queens of the Stone Age-Terminal 5

March 28, 2011

It’s Monday March 28th, approximately 10pm and my body feels like death.  I contribute this to Queens of the Stone Age rocking the fuck out of Terminal 5 in the greatest city in the world.  QOTSA played their self-title debut album in it’s entirety to promote the re-release of it earlier this month.  This show is a pure example of why rock shows will always out perform most genres. Read the rest of this entry ?


Study Break-Soundgarden

March 25, 2011

Before Nirvana turned their punk sound into what people would later think is grunge, before Pearl Jam sold tickets NOT through ticketmaster, before Alice in Chains went into the flood again, there was Soundgarden.  Soundgarden were the perennial rockers of Seattle.  Led by the riffs of Kim Thayil, the insane rhythm section of Matt Cameron and Ben Sheperd(Yes , Hiro Yamaoto too) and the fearless vocals of Chris Cornell, Soundgarden helped transform a Seattle trend into the defining sounds of the early 90’s.  Everyone says Grunge died when Kurt Cobain blew his overrated, at certain times, brain all over a wall, but true fans of grunge knew it died when Soundgarden broke up in 1996. Read the rest of this entry ?


Notable concerts to check out

February 17, 2011

So it is a beautiful day in New York today.  Got me thinking about some future concerts coming up.  Slightly Stoopid is finishing off their winter tourQueens of the Stone Age is hitting the road playing their entire self-title debut album.  Atmosphere is ready to tear it up with Ant being accompanied by a live band.  Soundgarden is writing new material meaning a tour will eventually come out of it.  Chris Cornell is touring tho, therefore you can get your “Outshine” fix on.  Lupe Fiasco is playing some sick shows.  I’ll be going to all the New York shows, but for those not in new york here are some links to see if anyone is coming to a town near you. I almost forgot, the Deftones will be ripping heads out in the near future as well.


Whiiite Stripes

February 2, 2011

The news of the White Stripes split, effective immediately with no 80’s style farewell tour planned, was abrupt and sardonically affected. Jack and Meg White’s philosophical and, hopefully, satirical take on the “life of music” will rub some people the wrong way for different reasons, but it is flawlessly pretentious and perfectly calculated. For an artist like Jack White (no shots at Meg but this was always Jack’s world) character play is just another day in the life.

Read the rest of this entry ?


Bassnectar remix of Prince by Deftones

January 13, 2011

Everyone knows I ride the jocks of the Deftones.  Go listen to their latest album Diamond Eyes and tell me you wouldn’t either.  So it is only appropriate that I review a remix of one of the songs off of Diamond Eyes.  I cannot believe I slept on this remix.  I do not know much about Dubstep, but this remix captures the intensity that is found within the Deftones and the common thematic rhythm of Dubstep very well.  A slow start to the song that builds up to a confusing, but unique ending.   I recommend this more to alternative rock users since Dubstep is something they are less familiar with.  However, Dubstep listeners will find some enjoyment out of this. Bassnectar site has a free download.

P.S. It’s nice seeing the Deftones get some love on the remix scene being that they are one of the few groups that did not deserve the label of Nu-Metal, but rode that horse into battle and came out surviving being stronger than ever.

P.P.S. If you need another reason to listen to the Deftones,  Itunes just named it Rock Album of the Year 2010, but then again Antoine Dodson had a hit song on there.

DL: Deftones- Prince(Bassnectar remix) (320 kbps)


Tame Impala – Innerspeaker

January 13, 2011

I used to listen to Mobb Deep when I drove around, rapping about vodka and milk and how I was only (22) but my mind was older, honking vigorously and tailgating in the process.  Everything changed once I watched The Doors a few weeks ago though – I traded in for the Jim Morrison swag and now I’m more wordly, opting to take peyote in the desert and ruin celebrity Thanksgiving feasts*.  Since I’m more down with nature, I can accept things like people driving 45 in the left lane and the fact that the Bronx River Parkway exists.  Que sera, sera.

ANYWAY, this album is super dope.  Modern psychadelic rock – I find it hard to fathom that anyone wouldn’t love this.  This album is so much fun and it’s perfect for your next road trip / stay at Burning Man.  I consider it psychadelic rock for the ADD generation who can only listen to four-minute songs instead of 16-minute songs.  Tame Impala sounds like they come directly out of 1971, and that’s absolutely fine with me.  And then the synths pop up!  Hendrix/Doors/Can fans: you know what it is.  This album gives you the freedom you’ve been looking for.  One of the best of 2010, and I bet a fantastic live show.  Recommended to everyone.

DL:  Tame Impala – It’s Not Meant To Be

DL:  Tame Impala – Why Wont’ You Make Up Your Mind?

DL:  Tame Impala – The Bold Arrow Of Time

*  And trying to set my girlfriend on fire, I suppose.


Favorable Shows of 2010

January 5, 2011

Rock never sounded so good

One thing music blogs never seem to touch upon is the quality of live shows of music groups they support.  Anyone can review an album and rate it.  How many “fans” will actually spend the money and go obtain a unique sounding experience?  Now I understand, “concerts cost money”, “I like the album better” or “I’m to busy.”  My response to you is, shut up and watch.  Concerts define a band or musician.  If they cannot capture their music in a live performance, then they are just a manufactured sound that should disconnect you from their music.  Here are some worthwhile shows I attended that showcased a good live show.

My favorite live show of the year had to be Faith No More live at Williamsburg Waterfront in Brooklyn New York.  No before you get me started, I know this venue is located in Hipster capital, but honestly, hipsters were hiding behind their trust fund checks and vinyl records of pavement when Mike Patton and crew entered into Brooklyn (Note, Mike Patton made fun of plenty of hipsters, even though none were there).  Mike Patton might have one of the greatest live voices I have ever heard.  With growls, melodies and squealing, Mike Patton cannot be touched.  Take that Anthony Kedis.  Highlights by FNM included their opening of the show with Midnight Cowboy,  into “The Real Thing”,”Be aggressive” and then “Land of Sunshine”.  These four songs establish an energetic filled performance with plenty of time left.  Rahzel was a special guest included on “Chinese Arithmetic” and “We Care A lot”.  Overall, the show provided hard rock, funk and momentum with a strong, profound excellence that only Faith No More can deliver.

My second favorite show of the year was Mastadon/Deftones/Alice in Chains. This second show would have been in my top spot had Mastadon not been performing.  They sounded terrible.  However, the Deftones, with whom I have a huge bias for, were astounding.  Opening their short set list with “Rocket Skates” into “Around the Fur” made every face melt.  Not many fans attended the show for the Deftones compared to Alice in Chains, but the Deftones scared plenty of the AIC fans with Chino’s pounding screams and Carpenter’s vicious rifts.  Abe Cunnigham’s drum set sounded so precise and clear with his ghost notes on “Change(in the house of flies)” and “Passenger” completed a chilling sound mixed with raw emotion.  Ending their set list with “Engine No. 9” and “7 words” really displayed how the Deftones have matured.  7 words sounds like a mix between thrash and punk on the album Adrenaline.  In concert, the group makes it sound like an updated version that is more consistent with the Deftones evolving sound.  The Deftones made their Diamond Eye songs sound intense and surreal, while bringing out the inner thrash with the Adrenaline songs.  These two diverse sounds were complimented well with songs from Around the Fur and White Pony.

When Alice in Chains entered into the stage with “Them Bones”, the crowd exploded.  A high contrast compared to my Mahopac friends and I during the Deftones.  Obvious songs were played, including “Rooster”, “Man in the Box”, closing with “Would”(which my brother proclaims that the last-minute of Would is the greatest sound humanity has ever come across).  This was my third time seeing Alice in Chains.  Although not as good as the first time I saw them after reuniting back in 07, Jerry Cantrell still rocks on guitar and will always be better than Tommy Shaw or any other over rated group.

My last show includes Primus.  Even though Primus sucks, their live show is phenomenal.  Another show witnessed at Williamsburg Waterfront(which is a beautiful venue by the way).  With original Primus drummer, Jay Lane,  on the skins, song selection was narrow.  The Brown Album songs stood out.  Golden Boy was my favorite of the show, Over the Falls helped calm down the insane mosh pits right before Sgt. Baker caused every little hipster in Williamsburg to let out some type of girly shriek as if they just found out their Dad was no longer supporting their pathetic ironic ways.  Take that Steve Aoki, you think you are eccentric?  I like to see you wear a crazy russian suit like Les Claypool, make a nasty bass sound, without repeating or being redundant, like Steve Aoki usually is.

Recap, go see Faith No More, Deftones, Alice in Chains or Primus, and you’ll be surprised with how much better music sounds compared to listening to it on headphones.

Dishonorable mention:  Nas and Damien Marley, also at Williamsburg Waterfront.  c’mon Nas how are you going to play New York and not play NY State of Mind or any other Illmatic song?